Drain Talk: Norwegian Pinball Adventures and Beer Tasting
Drain Talk: Norwegian Pinball Adventures and Beer Tasting
Drain Talk episode 8: 2022 so far, Age of Empires 2 homebrew and beer tasting!
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DrainTalk is my superchill pinball show focusing on the competitive pinball scene in Norway, good company and beer. Through this vidcast I will be talking about the Norwegian pinball scene, talking to players, tournament organizers and what makes this hobby so important for us all, and also following my own pinball adventures as I travel around.
In this eight episode just before travelling to participate in the IFPA17 pinball world championships, I give a status on 2022 so far in pinball norway, the current state of my Age of Empires 2 homebrew and finally beer tasting is back! Tom-Andre joins me in experiencing a unique french honey beer and then we discuss the rankings and tournaments in norway from january til april. We also talk about maximizing TGP and other tournament related topics.
2:05 - Age of Empires 2 homebrew (current state with gameplay)
6:35 - Beer tasting: La Mouss Terrienne
11:40 - Pinball Norway in 2022 so far. Borås pinball and cheating, monthly winners and tournaments
29:00 - Norwegian IFPA rankings between November til now.