Drain Talk: Norwegian Pinball Adventures and Beer Tasting

Drain Talk episode 1: Pinball in Norway and smoked beer!

Morten Søbyskogen

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View the video version here: https://youtu.be/KMFlexAMRUw

In this first episode I am looking back at the last month in Pinball Norway, having a conversation with expat-swede Bo Jimmy about his pinball journey and pinball in Oslo, and also tasting some exquisite beer from Bamberg, Germany and Oslo, Norway!

Episode content:
- Last Month In Pinball Norway:
- Guest of the episode: Bo Jimmy!
- Beer tasting #1: Schenkerla Rauchtbier
- Jimmys Pinball Collection
- Beer tasting #2: Cervisiam Bounty Hounter
- Tournament Talk

DrainMorten on facebook:

Kristiania Flipperselskap:
URL: https://flipperselskapet.no/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kristianiafl...
Slack: http://flipperselskapet.no/slack

Tilt (barcade, Oslo):
FB: facebook.com/tiltoslo
URL: tiltoslo.no

1. Aecht Schenkerla Rauchtbier (5.1 %)
2. Cervisiam Bounty Hunter (12 %)

Schenkerla brewery: https://www.schlenkerla.de/
Cervisiam brewery: https://www.cervisiam.no/