Drain Talk: Norwegian Pinball Adventures and Beer Tasting

Drain Talk episode 2: Norwegian pinball adventures in Austria!

Morten Søbyskogen

Subscribe to my youtube channel: https://tinyurl.com/drainmorten
View the video version here: https://youtu.be/sP8Y5c0hDaI

This second episode is a personal recollection of my travels to Austria and Austria Pinball Open from 2016-2019 together with my mate Tom, and how life changed during those visits with Sandras passing. It is a celebration of friendship and the great experiences one gets when travelling to tournaments in other countries. We also have the pleasure of speaking to the organizers of the Austrian Pinball Open, and also of course tasting some exquisite austrian beers.

Episode content:
- Last Month In Pinball Norway:
- WPPR decay meltdown
- Norwegian pinball rankings
- Guest of the episode: Tom-Andre!
- Austrian Pinball Open 2016 + 2017
- Interview with Bernd Prucher and Markus Stix (APO organizers) part 1
- Beer tasting #1: Murauer Märzen
- Austrian Pinball Open 2018 + 2019
- Interview with Bernd Prucher and Markus Stix (APO organizers) part 2
- Beer tasting #2: Murauer Dunkel

DrainMorten on facebook:

Kristiania Flipperselskap:
URL: https://flipperselskapet.no/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kristianiafl...
Slack: http://flipperselskapet.no/slack

Flippnic (Austrian Pinball Club organizing APO):
URL: https://www.flippnic.at/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/flippnic

1. Murauer Märzen (5.2 %)
2. Murauer Dunkel (5.2 %)

Murauer brewery: https://www.murauerbier.a