Drain Talk: Norwegian Pinball Adventures and Beer Tasting

Drain Talk episode 3: Return of the WPPRs!

Morten Søbyskogen

Subscribe to my youtube channel: https://tinyurl.com/drainmorten
View the video version here: https://youtu.be/zE8me03zEiQ

In this third episode I take a look at IFPA reopening the ranking system from 1st August 2021, discussing what this means and also talking about the norwegian rankings as they are in July. I also reveal my pinball homebrew project which I have been working on since February and show some photos and videos of the development. Oh, I also taste a very interesting beer from Baladin brewery!
Episode content:
- kickass wpprmania intro
- IFPA reopening & upcoming events in oslo
- Beer tasting: Baladin Nora
- Norwegian pinball rankings July
- DrainTalk plans for future episodes
- Rick & Morty soon here & Hot Tip
- Age of Empires 2 homebrew pinball; progress and status with photos and videos

DrainMorten on facebook:

Pinside thread for Age of Empires 2 Pinball project:

Kristiania Flipperselskap:
URL: https://flipperselskapet.no/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kristianiafl...
Slack: http://flipperselskapet.no/slack

1. Baladin Nora (6.8 %)

Baladin Brewery: https://www.baladin.it/en/