Drain Talk: Norwegian Pinball Adventures and Beer Tasting
Drain Talk: Norwegian Pinball Adventures and Beer Tasting
Drain Talk episode 5: Falling Down!
Subscribe to my channel: https://tinyurl.com/drainmorten
DrainTalk is my superchill pinball show focusing on the competitive pinball scene in Norway, good company and beer. Through this vidcast I will be talking about the Norwegian pinball scene, talking to players, tournament organizers and what makes this hobby so important for us all, and also following my own pinball adventures as I travel around.
In this fifth episode I talk about what has happened the last months, what lies ahead in pinball norway and my buddy Tom joins to talk about big changes in the norwegian pinball rankings. We also discuss how the current IFPA rules for country exemption spots for the world championship is problematic and possible ways it can be improved. Lastly we taste beers coming all the way from Fulda, Germany. Hope you all enjoy this densely packed 30 minute episode!
2:04 - Drain Talk changes
4:20 - Travels: Austria and Borås Pinball Open
7:41 - Tournaments at our club and at Tilt
10:03 - Beer tasting
15:41 - Discussion about rankings and problems with IFPA's world championship eligibility spots
24:34 - Whats happening ahead? XMas tournament, Fulda, Borås classic, Bergen open
I would be SUPER grateful if you subscribe to my youtube channel and follow my facebook page, DrainMorten =)
Drain Talk Podcast:
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/draintalk
Apple Music: https://tinyurl.com/draintalkapple
Please let me know in the comments or send a PM if you have compliments, suggestions, constructive or non-constructive feedback, or just want to talk about beer or pinball!
DrainMorten on facebook:
Pinside thread for Age of Empires 2 Pinball project:
Kristiania Flipperselskap:
URL: https://flipperselskapet.no/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kristianiaflipperselskap
Slack: http://flipperselskapet.no/slack